The Public Health Agency of Sweden processes contact information for the person who is the contact person for the collaboration case. The processing is an essential part of the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s exercise of official authority. The data is processed in order to handle the case and inform the public about existing permit holders. The Public Health Agency of Sweden processes personal data about the contact person of the person applying for the permit in question as well as personal data about individuals whose expertise and judgement are to be examined and referees to this person.

The data is used to communicate with the supervised object and investigate the matter. The Public Health Agency of Sweden processes data about the designated contact person for the supervised object. The legal basis for the processing is data that is of public interest. The Public Health Agency of Sweden processes data to communicate with the person submitting an enquiry and to process the case. If necessary, the data can be shared with other actors and suppliers, if this is necessary for the cooperation. The national legal basis can be found in our regulation or in specific government assignments. The legal basis for this in the GDPR is what is known as public interest. It includes name, contact details, and information linked to a person's profession. The Public Health Agency of Sweden cooperates with many actors and processes data linked to this, most often by email. The data is not specifically registered and the information in the document received is not made searchable. These details are only processed by the document being added to the case in question.

In documents and messages submitted to the Public Health Agency of Sweden, other types of personal data often appear.

Cases that are registered receive a reference number. If the matter basically concerns an organisation of some kind and a contact person has been appointed for the organisation, the name and contact details of the contact person are processed. The categories of personal data processed are the names and contact details of individuals who have turned to the agency. Categories of personal data that are processed In other words, personal data may be disclosed in accordance with the principle of public access to official documents. The Public Health Agency of Sweden is a government agency and this means that messages sent to the agency as a general rule become public documents that are recorded, registered and that, upon request, will be disclosed if the information is not covered by confidentiality. The principle of public access to official documents The Public Health Agency of Sweden is the data controller for the processing of personal data for which the agency determines the purposes and means. This may include, for example, collecting, registering, storing, interacting, or printing the data. Processing of personal data refers to all processing of personal data, regardless of whether it is carried out electronically or not. More about the meaning of personal data (imy.se) (in Swedish) What is processing of personal data?

Examples of personal data are name, social security number, postal address and email address. Personal data is any kind of information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a living natural person. The purpose of the information is also to provide information to those on whom the Public Health Agency of Sweden processes personal data (registered), so that they can exercise their rights.